Source code for relstorage.cache.interfaces

# Copyright (c) 2016 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface

from transaction.interfaces import TransientError
from ZODB.POSException import StorageError

from relstorage.interfaces import IDetachableMVCCDatabaseViewer
from relstorage.interfaces import IMVCCDatabaseCoordinator

# Export
from relstorage._compat import MAX_TID # pylint:disable=unused-import

# pylint: disable=inherit-non-class,no-method-argument,no-self-argument
# pylint:disable=unexpected-special-method-signature
# pylint:disable=signature-differs

[docs] class IStorageCache(IDetachableMVCCDatabaseViewer): """ A cache, as used by :class:`relstorage.interfaces.IRelStorage`. Implementations do not have to be thread-safe. Use :meth:`new_instance` to get an object to use concurrently. This cache is for current objects, as viewed at the ``highest_visible_tid`` of this object or before. While it is possible to request older or newer revisions using ``loadSerial``, such accesses are less likely to produce cache hits. """ def new_instance(before=None): """ Create a new object to be used concurrently. If *before* is given, it is an integer TID, giving the *maximum* transaction that will be visible to this object (this only works correctly for history-preserving storages). .. caution:: Failing to provide *before* for a historical connection will lead to consistency errors. """
# TODO: Fill me in.
[docs] class IStorageCacheMVCCDatabaseCoordinator(IMVCCDatabaseCoordinator): """ Specialized cache coordinator. """ # TODO: Fill me in. def poll(cache, conn, cursor): """ Poll for invalidations since the last taken state of the viewer. Update the state of the viewer and update the global state maintained in this coordinator. This should be the first thing done after the *conn* is opened or a transaction has begun: in fact, to ensure that the global state never accidentally goes backwards, no snapshot of the database should have been taken with the connection yet. The queries we execute in this method should establish the snapshot for the first time. """ def stats(): """ Return a dictionary with interesting keys and values about the global state of this object. """
[docs] class IStateCache(Interface): """ The methods we use to store state information. This interface is defined in terms of OID and TID *integers*; implementations (such as memcache) that only support string keys will need to convert. All return values for states return ``(state_bytes, tid_int)``. We use special methods where possible because those are slightly faster to invoke. """ def __getitem__(oid_tid): """ Given an (oid, tid) pair, return the cache data (state_bytes, tid_int) for that object. The returned *tid_int* must match the requested tid. If the ``(oid, tid)`` pair isn't in the cache, return None. A special tid value of None means that the client doesn't know the TID to ask for and wants the best available; they are then required to verify that the returned object is visible (that is, within the ranges of TIDs the MVCC state permits). """ def get(oid_tid, peek=False): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """ As for :meth:`__getitem__`, but allows the caller to specify that this is a "peek" operation and shouldn't affect any internal bookkeeping such as statistics or most/least recently used lists. """ def __setitem__(oid_tid, state_bytes_tid): """ Store the *state_bytes_tid* (``(state_bytes, tid_int)``) for the ``(oid, tid)`` pair. Note that it does not necessarily mean that the key tid matches the value tid. Also note that if the object has been deleted, ``state_bytes`` may be `None`. """ def __delitem__(oid_tid): """ Remove the data cached for the oid/tid pair. If no data is cached, this should do nothing. """ def set_all_for_tid(tid_int, state_oid_iter): """ Store the states for the ``(state, oid_int)`` pairs under ``(oid_int, tid_int)`` keys. The *state_oid_iter* is an **iteable** of ``(state, oid_int, prev_tid_int)`` pairs; this method may choose to buffer a limited amount of those pairs before passing them on to the underlying storage in a bulk group. As an **iterable**, *state_oid_iter* may be consumed multiple times. """ def close(): """ Release external resources held by this object. This object may not be usable after this. """ def new_instance(): """ Create an object sharing the same underlying data, but capable of operating independently, such as in a new thread. This may return the same object. """ def release(): """ Like close, but intended to be called on child objects created for MVCC using a ``new_instance`` method. """ def flush_all(): """ Clear cached data. """ def invalidate_all(oids): """ Remove all cached data for each of the oid integers in *oids*. """
[docs] class IPersistentCache(Interface): """ A cache that can be persisted to a location on disk and later re-populated from that same location. """ size = Attribute("The byte-size of the entries in the cache.") limit = Attribute("The upper bound of the byte-size that this cache should hold.") def save(): """ Save the cache to disk. """ def restore(): """ Restore the cache from disk. """ def zap_all(): """ Remove the cache from disk. """
[docs] class ILRUEntry(Interface): """ An entry in an `ILRUCache`. This is a read-only object. The containing cache is in charge of all the attributes, and they must not be changed behind its back. """ key = Attribute("The key for the entry") value = Attribute("The value for the entry") frequency = Attribute("The frequency of accesses to the entry.") weight = Attribute("The weight of the entry.")
[docs] class ILRUCache(Interface): """ A container of cached keys and values and associated metadata, limited to containing a total weight less than some limit. The interface is mapping-like, and specified in terms of keys and values. For access to the additional stored metadata, different methods are defined. Values may be evicted when new ones are added. The cache may not store None values. The cache may have specific restrictions on the type and format of keys and values it accepts. """ limit = Attribute("The maximim weight allowed.") weight = Attribute("The weight of the entries in the cache.") # Mapping-like methods. def __getitem__(key): """ Get a value by key. If there is no value for the key, or it has been evicted, return None. This should be considered a hit on the key. This never results in raising a `KeyError`. """ def __len__(): """ Count how many entries are in the cache. """ def __contains__(key): "Is the key in the cache?" def __iter__(): "Iterate the keys" def __setitem__(key, value): """ Either set or update an entry. If the key already existed in the cache, then update its ``value`` to the new *value* and mark it as the most recently used. Otherwise, create a new entry for the key, setting it to the most recently used. This may evict other items. """ def __delitem__(key): """ Remove the entry from the cache. If it does not exist, it is an error. """ ### # Cache-specific operations. ### def peek(key): """ Similar to ``__getitem__``, but *does not* count as a hit on the key, merely returns a value if its present. """ def values(): """ Iterate all the `ILRUEntry` values. """ def add_MRUs(ordered_keys_and_values, return_count_only=False): """ Add as many of the key/value pairs in *ordered_keys_and_values* as possible, without evicting any existing items. Returns the entries that were added, unless *return_count_only* is given, in which case it returns the count added instead. (This can save memory if the entries are not actually needed.) """ def age_frequencies(): """Call to periodically adjust the frequencies of items."""
[docs] class IGeneration(Interface): """ A generation in a cache. """ limit = Attribute("The maximim weight allowed.") __name__ = Attribute("The name of the generation") generation_number = Attribute("The number of the generation.") def __iter__(): """ Iterate the ILRUEntry objects in this generation, from most recent to least recently used. """
[docs] class IGenerationalLRUCache(ILRUCache): """ The cache moves items between three generations, as determined by an admittance policy. * Items begin in *eden*, where they stay until eden grows too large. * When eden grows too large, the least recently used item is then (conceptually) moved to the *probation* ring. If this would make the probation ring too large, the *frequency* of the least recently used item from the probation ring is compared to the frequency of the incoming item. Only if the incoming item is more popular than the item it would force off the probation ring is it kept (and the probation item removed). Otherwise the eden item is removed. * When an item in probation is accessed, it is moved to the *protected* ring. The protected ring is the largest ring. When adding an item to it would make it too large, the least recently used item is demoted to probation, following the same rules as for eden. This cache only approximately follows its size limit. It may temporarily become larger. """ eden = Attribute("The youngest generation.") protected = Attribute("The protected generation.") probation = Attribute("The probation generation.") generations = Attribute("Ordered list of generations, with 0 being NoSuchGeneration.")
[docs] class CacheCorruptedError(StorageError): """ Raised when we detect internal cache corruption, outside of any particular transaction. """
[docs] class CacheConsistencyError(StorageError, TransientError): """ Raised when we detect internal cache corruption, having to do with transactional consistency. This is probably a transient error. By the time it is raised, the faulty cache will have been cleared, and we can try again. """
class NoSuchGeneration(object): # For more specific error messages; if we get an AttributeError # on this object, it means we have corrupted the cache. We only # expect to wind up with this in generation 0. __name__ = 'NoSuchGeneration' def __init__(self, generation_number): self.__gen_num = generation_number def __getattr__(self, name): msg = "Generation %s has no attribute %r" % (self.__gen_num, name) raise AttributeError(msg) class GenerationalCacheBase(object): # Percentage of our byte limit that should be dedicated # to the main "protected" generation _gen_protected_pct = 0.8 # Percentage of our byte limit that should be dedicated # to the initial "eden" generation _gen_eden_pct = 0.1 # Percentage of our byte limit that should be dedicated # to the "probationary"generation _gen_probation_pct = 0.1 # By default these numbers add up to 1.0, but it would be possible to # overcommit by making them sum to more than 1.0. (For very small # limits, the rounding will also make them overcommit). #: A "mapping" between the __parent__ of an entry and the generation #: ring that holds it. (Indexing by ints is faster than a dictionary lookup #: especially on PyPy.) Initialize to an object that will report a bad lookup #: for the right generation. (The generator expression keeps us from leaking the #: indexing variable on Py2.) generations = tuple((NoSuchGeneration(i) for i in range(4))) def __init__(self, limit, eden, protected, probation): self.limit = limit self.eden = eden self.protected = protected self.probation = probation # Preserve the NoSuchGeneration initializers generations = list(GenerationalCacheBase.generations) for gen in (self.protected, self.probation, self.eden): generations[gen.generation_number] = gen self.generations = tuple(generations)