Getting Started With RelStorage¶ Installation Database Adapter Installing Database Drivers for PostgreSQL gevent Installing Database Drivers for MySQL gevent Installing Database Drivers for Oracle Installing Database Drivers for SQLite gevent Memcache Integration Configuring Your Database Setting Up PostgreSQL Configuration Defaults and Background General Large Sites Packing Setting Up MySQL Setting Up Oracle Setting Up SQLite Configuring ZODB To Use RelStorage Configuring using ZConfig Without a Framework With Zope 2 With repoze.zodbconn Configuring Plone Tips and Other Useful Information The Importance of Managing Transaction Lifetimes Use Explicit Transaction Managers The Importance of Closing The Database Packing A Database May Increase Disk Usage Use readCurrent(ob) Judiciously Use With zodburi URI schemes Query String Arguments RelStorage-constructor related Usual zodburi arguments Postgres specific Mysql specific Oracle specific Example