Source code for relstorage.adapters.postgresql.mover

# Copyright (c) 2009 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""IObjectMover implementation.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import io
import os
import struct

from zope.interface import implementer

from ..interfaces import IObjectMover
from ..mover import AbstractObjectMover
from ..mover import RowBatcherStoreTemps
from ..mover import metricmethod_sampled

[docs] class PostgreSQLRowBatcherStoreTemps(RowBatcherStoreTemps): generic_suffix = """ ON CONFLICT (zoid) DO UPDATE SET state = excluded.state, prev_tid = excluded.prev_tid, md5 = excluded.md5 """
[docs] @implementer(IObjectMover) class PostgreSQLObjectMover(AbstractObjectMover): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.driver.supports_copy: batcher = PostgreSQLRowBatcherStoreTemps(self.keep_history, self.driver.Binary, self.make_batcher) self.replace_temps = batcher.replace_temps self.store_temps = batcher.store_temps
[docs] @metricmethod_sampled def on_store_opened(self, cursor, restart=False): """Create the temporary tables for storing objects""" # Note that the md5 column is not used if self.keep_history == False. # Ideally we wouldn't execute any of these on a restart, but # I've seen an issue with temp_store apparently going missing on pg8000. # # In testing, using 'DELETE ROWS' is faster than using 'DROP TABLE': # 1230/840ms for zodbshootout add/update with DROP vs 983/681ms. # The theory was that maybe a vacuum or analyze would be needed after # DELETE ROWS and not DROP TABLE, but that didn't seem to be true (it's possible # an ANALYZE would still be helpful before using the temp table, but we # haven't benchmarked that). if not restart: temp_store_table_tmpl = """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {NAME} ( zoid BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, prev_tid BIGINT NOT NULL, md5 CHAR(32), state BYTEA ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; """ ddl_stmts = [ temp_store_table_tmpl.format(NAME='temp_store'), temp_store_table_tmpl.format(NAME='temp_store_replacements'), """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp_blob_chunk ( zoid BIGINT NOT NULL, chunk_num BIGINT NOT NULL, chunk OID, PRIMARY KEY (zoid, chunk_num) ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; """, """ -- This trigger removes blobs that get replaced before being -- moved to blob_chunk. Note that it is never called when -- the temp_blob_chunk table is being dropped or truncated. CREATE TRIGGER temp_blob_chunk_delete BEFORE DELETE ON temp_blob_chunk FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE temp_blob_chunk_delete_trigger(); """, ] for stmt in ddl_stmts: cursor.execute(stmt) cursor.connection.commit() AbstractObjectMover.on_store_opened(self, cursor, restart)
[docs] @metricmethod_sampled def restore(self, cursor, batcher, oid, tid, data): """Store an object directly, without conflict detection. Used for copying transactions into this database. """ if self.keep_history: suffix = """ ON CONFLICT (zoid, tid) DO UPDATE SET tid = excluded.tid, prev_tid = excluded.prev_tid, md5 = excluded.md5, state_size = excluded.state_size, state = excluded.state """ else: suffix = """ ON CONFLICT (zoid) DO UPDATE SET tid = excluded.tid, state_size = excluded.state_size, state = excluded.state """ self._generic_restore(batcher, oid, tid, data, command='INSERT', suffix=suffix)
[docs] @metricmethod_sampled def download_blob(self, cursor, oid, tid, filename): """Download a blob into a file.""" stmt = """ SELECT chunk FROM blob_chunk WHERE zoid = %s AND tid = %s ORDER BY chunk_num """ # Beginning in RelStorage 3, we no longer chunk blobs. # All chunks were collapsed into one as part of the migration. bytecount = 0 cursor.execute(stmt, (oid, tid)) rows = cursor.fetchall() assert len(rows) == 1 loid, = rows[0] blob = cursor.connection.lobject(loid, 'rb') # Use the native psycopg2 blob export functionality blob.export(filename) blob.close() bytecount = os.path.getsize(filename) return bytecount
[docs] @metricmethod_sampled def upload_blob(self, cursor, oid, tid, filename): """Upload a blob from a file. If serial is None, upload to the temporary table. """ # pylint:disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals if tid is not None: if self.keep_history: delete_stmt = """ DELETE FROM blob_chunk WHERE zoid = %s AND tid = %s """ cursor.execute(delete_stmt, (oid, tid)) else: delete_stmt = "DELETE FROM blob_chunk WHERE zoid = %s" cursor.execute(delete_stmt, (oid,)) use_tid = True insert_stmt = """ INSERT INTO blob_chunk (zoid, tid, chunk_num, chunk) VALUES (%(oid)s, %(tid)s, %(chunk_num)s, %(loid)s) """ else: use_tid = False delete_stmt = "DELETE FROM temp_blob_chunk WHERE zoid = %s" cursor.execute(delete_stmt, (oid,)) insert_stmt = """ INSERT INTO temp_blob_chunk (zoid, chunk_num, chunk) VALUES (%(oid)s, %(chunk_num)s, %(loid)s) """ # Since we only run on 9.6 and above, the sizes of large objects # are allowed to exceed 2GB (int_32). The server is already chunking # large objects internally by itself into 4KB pages, so there's no # advantage to us also adding a layer of chunking. # # As long as we keep our usage simple, that's fine. Only #, blob.truncate() and blob.tell() have a need to # use a specific 64-bit function. `export()` and `import()` # (called implicitly by creating the lobject with a local # filename in psycopg2) work with small fixed buffers (8KB) and # don't care about filesize or offset; they just need the # `open` and `read` syscalls to handle 64-bit files (and don't # they have to for Python to handle 64-bit files?) # # psycopg2 explicitly uses the 64 family of functions; # psycopg2cffi does *not* but if it's built on 64-bit # platform, that's fine. pg8000 uses the SQL interfaces, not # the libpq interfaces, and that's also fine. Since we don't use # any of the functions that need 64-bit aware, none of that should be an # issue. # Create and upload the blob, getting a large object identifier. blob = cursor.connection.lobject(0, 'wb', 0, filename) blob.close() # Now put it into our blob_chunk table. # pylint:disable=use-dict-literal params = dict(oid=oid, chunk_num=0, loid=blob.oid) if use_tid: params['tid'] = tid cursor.execute(insert_stmt, params)
def _do_store_temps(self, cursor, state_oid_tid_iter, table_name): # History-preserving storages need the md5 to compare states. # We could calculate that on the server using pgcrypto, if its # available. Or we could just compare directly, instead of comparing # md5; that's fast on PostgreSQL. if state_oid_tid_iter: buf = TempStoreCopyBuffer(table_name, state_oid_tid_iter, self._compute_md5sum if self.keep_history else None) cursor.copy_expert(buf.COPY_COMMAND, buf)
[docs] @metricmethod_sampled def store_temps(self, cursor, state_oid_tid_iter): self._do_store_temps(cursor, state_oid_tid_iter, 'temp_store')
[docs] @metricmethod_sampled def replace_temps(self, cursor, state_oid_tid_iter): # Upload and then replace. We *could* go right into the table # if we first deleted but that would require either iterating twice # and/or bufferring all the state data in memory. If it's small that's ok, # but it could be large. self._do_store_temps(cursor, state_oid_tid_iter, 'temp_store_replacements') # TODO: Prepare this query. cursor.execute( """ UPDATE temp_store SET prev_tid = r.prev_tid, md5 = r.md5, state = r.state FROM temp_store_replacements r WHERE temp_store.zoid = r.zoid """ )
[docs] class TempStoreCopyBuffer(io.BufferedIOBase): """ A binary file-like object for putting data into ``temp_store``. """ # pg8000 uses readinto(); psycopg2 uses read(). COPY_COMMAND_TMPL = "COPY {NAME} (zoid, prev_tid, md5, state) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT binary)" def __init__(self, table, state_oid_tid_iterable, digester): super().__init__() self.COPY_COMMAND = self.COPY_COMMAND_TMPL.format(NAME=table) self.state_oid_tid_iterable = state_oid_tid_iterable self._iter = iter(state_oid_tid_iterable) self._digester = digester if digester: # On Python 3, this outputs a str, but our protocol needs bytes self._digester = lambda s: digester(s).encode("ascii") if self._digester: self._read_tuple = self._read_one_tuple_md5 else: self._read_tuple = self._read_one_tuple_no_md5 self._done = False self._header = self.HEADER self._buffer = bytearray(8192) SIGNATURE = b'PGCOPY\n\xff\r\n\0' FLAGS = struct.pack("!i", 0) EXTENSION_LEN = struct.pack("!i", 0) HEADER = SIGNATURE + FLAGS + EXTENSION_LEN # All tuples begin with their length in 16 signed bits, which is the same for all tuples # (zoid, prev_tid, md5, state) _common = "!hiqiqi" WITH_SUM = struct.Struct(_common + "32si") NO_SUM = struct.Struct(_common + "i") # Each column in the tuple is a 32-bit length (-1 # for NULL), followed by exactly that many bytes of data. # Each column datum is written in binary format; for character # fields (like md5) that turns out to be a direct dump of the ascii. # For BIGINT fields, that's an 8-byte big-endian encoding # For BYTEA fields, it's just the raw data # Finally, the trailer is a tuple size of -1 TRAILER = struct.pack("!h", -1)
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): # We don't handle "read everything in one go". # assert size is not None and size > 0 if self._done: return b'' if len(self._buffer) < size: self._buffer.extend(bytearray(size - len(self._buffer))) count = self.readinto(self._buffer) if not count: return b'' return bytes(self._buffer)
def readinto(self, buf): # We basically ignore the size of the buffer, # writing more into it if we need to. if self._done: return 0 requested = len(buf) # bytearray.clear() is only in Python 3 del buf[:] buf.extend(self._header) self._header = b'' while len(buf) < requested: try: self._read_tuple(buf) except StopIteration: buf.extend(self.TRAILER) self._done = True break return len(buf) def __len__(self): return len(self.state_oid_tid_iterable) def _next_row(self): # pylint:disable=method-hidden return next(self._iter) def _read_one_tuple_md5(self, buf, _pack_into=WITH_SUM.pack_into, _header_size=WITH_SUM.size, _blank_header=bytearray(WITH_SUM.size)): data, oid_int, tid_int = self._next_row() if data is None: # A deleted object. These should be quite rare relative # to everything else. This won't have an MD5, so # it can take the same code as the normal no-md5-path, # as long as we arrange for it to get the right data. # (A push-back iterator would simplify this.) self._next_row = lambda: (data, oid_int, tid_int) try: self._read_one_tuple_no_md5(buf) finally: del self._next_row return len_data = len(data) md5 = self._digester(data) offset = len(buf) buf.extend(_blank_header) _pack_into( buf, offset, 4, 8, oid_int, 8, tid_int, 32, md5, len_data ) buf.extend(data) def _read_one_tuple_no_md5(self, buf, _pack_into=NO_SUM.pack_into, _header_size=NO_SUM.size, _blank_header=bytearray(NO_SUM.size)): data, oid_int, tid_int = self._next_row() len_data = len(data) if data is not None else -1 offset = len(buf) buf.extend(_blank_header) _pack_into( buf, offset, 4, 8, oid_int, 8, tid_int, -1, len_data ) buf.extend(data or b'')