Source code for relstorage.adapters.connmanager

# Copyright (c) 2009 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from zope.interface import implementer

from .._util import metricmethod
from .interfaces import IConnectionManager
from .interfaces import ReplicaClosedException
from .replica import ReplicaSelector

logger = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def connection_callback(isolation_level=None, read_only=None, deferrable=None, application_name=None, inherit=None): """ Decorator for functions used in :meth:`IConnectionManager.open_and_call`. When the function is called, it will be given a connection that has the given traits. Use ``inherit=BaseClass.func`` when you're overriding a callback function ``func``. """ if inherit is not None: isolation_level = isolation_level or inherit.transaction_isolation_level application_name = application_name or inherit.transaction_application_name read_only = read_only or inherit.transaction_read_only deferrable = deferrable or inherit.transaction_deferrable def f(func): func.transaction_isolation_level = isolation_level func.transaction_read_only = read_only func.transaction_deferrable = deferrable func.transaction_application_name = application_name return func return f
def _connection_callback_open_args(connmanager, callback): # Read the settings from `connection_callback` or defaults. isolation = getattr(callback, 'transaction_isolation_level', None) read_only = getattr(callback, 'transaction_read_only', None) deferrable = getattr(callback, 'transaction_deferrable', None) application_name = getattr(callback, 'transaction_application_name', None) return dict( # pylint:disable=use-dict-literal isolation=isolation or connmanager.isolation_store, read_only=read_only or False, deferrable=deferrable or False, application_name=application_name or ('RS: ' + callback.__name__) )
[docs] @implementer(IConnectionManager) class AbstractConnectionManager(object): """ Abstract base class for connection management. Responsible for opening and closing database connections. """ # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes # a series of callables (cursor, restart=bool) # for when a store connection is opened. _on_store_opened = () # a series of callables (cursor,) that will be called # when a load connection is opened _on_load_opened = () # The list of exceptions to ignore on a rollback *or* close. We # take this as the union of the driver's close exceptions and disconnected # exceptions (drivers aren't required to organize them to overlap, but # in practice they should.) # TODO: Promote to public, is using this. _ignored_exceptions = () # Subclasses should set these to get semantics as close # as possible to these standard levels. isolation_serializable = None isolation_read_committed = None # If these are not set by a subclass, they will be copied # from isolation_serializable and read_committed, respectively. isolation_load = None isolation_store = None replica_selector = None ro_replica_selector = None def __init__(self, options, driver): """ :param options: A :class:`relstorage.options.Options`. :param driver: A :class:`relstorage.adapters.interfaces.IDBDriver`, which we use for its exceptions. """ self.keep_history = options.keep_history self.driver = driver self.options = options self._ignored_exceptions = tuple(set( driver.close_exceptions + driver.disconnected_exceptions + (ReplicaClosedException,) )) if options.replica_conf: self.replica_selector = ReplicaSelector( options.replica_conf, options.replica_timeout) if options.ro_replica_conf: self.ro_replica_selector = ReplicaSelector( options.ro_replica_conf, options.replica_timeout) else: self.ro_replica_selector = self.replica_selector if not self.isolation_load: self.isolation_load = self.isolation_serializable if not self.isolation_store: self.isolation_store = self.isolation_read_committed self._may_need_rollback = driver.connection_may_need_rollback self._may_need_commit = driver.connection_may_need_commit self._synchronize_cursor_for_rollback = driver.synchronize_cursor_for_rollback self._do_commit = driver.commit self._do_rollback = driver.rollback
[docs] def add_on_store_opened(self, f): """ Add a callable(cursor, restart=bool) for when a store connection is opened. Hooks are called in the order added. .. versionadded:: 2.1a1 """ self._on_store_opened += (f,)
set_on_store_opened = add_on_store_opened # BWC
[docs] def add_on_load_opened(self, f): """ Add a callable (cursor, restart=bool) for when a load connection is opened. Hooks are called in the order added. .. versionadded:: 2.1a1 """ self._on_load_opened += (f,)
[docs] def open(self, isolation=None, read_only=False, deferrable=False, replica_selector=None, application_name=None, **kwargs): """Open a database connection and return (conn, cursor).""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @metricmethod def close(self, conn=None, cursor=None): """ Close a connection and cursor, ignoring certain errors. Return a True value if the connection was closed cleanly. Return a False value if the processes ignored an error. """ clean = True for obj in (cursor, conn): # cursor first; some drivers want that done if obj is not None: try: obj.close() except self._ignored_exceptions: # pylint:disable=catching-non-exception logger.debug("Exception closing %r", obj, exc_info=1) clean = False return clean
def __rollback_connection(self, conn, ignored_exceptions, restarting): """Return True if we successfully rolled back.""" clean = True if conn is not None: if self._may_need_rollback(conn): try: self._do_rollback(conn) except ignored_exceptions: clean = False elif restarting: self._begin_for_restart(conn) return clean def _begin_for_restart(self, conn): pass def _may_need_rollback(self, conn): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,method-hidden """ Answer if this connection might need to be rolled back. If a subclass can definitively say that it does *not* need to be rolled back, because it is not in a transaction, it can override to return false. """ return True def _may_need_commit(self, conn): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,method-hidden """ Answer if this connection might need to be committed. If a subclass can definitively say that it does *not* need to be committed, because it is not in a transaction, it can override to return false. """ return True def __rollback(self, conn, cursor, quietly, restarting): # If an error occurs, close the connection and cursor. # # Some drivers require the cursor to be closed before closing # the connection. # # Some drivers also don't allow you to close the cursor # without fetching all rows. self._synchronize_cursor_for_rollback(cursor) clean = False try: clean = self.__rollback_connection( conn, # Let it raise if we're not meant to be quiet. self._ignored_exceptions if quietly else (), restarting ) except: clean = False raise finally: if not clean: self.close(conn, cursor) return clean def rollback_and_close(self, conn, cursor): clean = self.__rollback(conn, cursor, True, False) if clean: # if an error already occurred, we closed things. clean = self.close(conn, cursor) return clean def rollback(self, conn, cursor): return self.__rollback(conn, cursor, False, None) def rollback_for_restart(self, conn, cursor): return self.__rollback(conn, cursor, False, True) def rollback_quietly(self, conn, cursor): return self.__rollback(conn, cursor, True, None) rollback_store_quietly = rollback_quietly def commit(self, conn, cursor=None, force=False): if self._may_need_commit(conn) or force: self._do_commit(conn, cursor) def begin(self, conn, cursor): pass def cursor_for_connection(self, conn): return self.driver.cursor(conn)
[docs] def open_and_call(self, callback): """ Call ``callback(connection, cursor)`` with a newly open connection and cursor. If the function returns, commits the transaction and returns the result returned by the function. If the function raises an exception, aborts the transaction then propagates the exception. """ conn, cursor = self._do_open_for_call(callback) try: try: res = callback(conn, cursor) except: self.rollback_and_close(conn, cursor) conn, cursor = None, None raise self.close(None, cursor) cursor = None self.commit(conn) return res finally: self.close(conn, cursor)
def _call_hooks(self, hooks, conn, cursor, *args, **kwargs): try: for hook in hooks: hook(*args, **kwargs) except: self.close(conn, cursor) raise def _do_open_for_load(self): raise NotImplementedError() def open_for_load(self): conn, cursor = self._do_open_for_load() self._call_hooks(self._on_load_opened, conn, cursor, cursor, restart=False) return conn, cursor
[docs] def restart_load(self, conn, cursor, needs_rollback=True): """Reinitialize a connection for loading objects.""" self.check_replica(conn, cursor, replica_selector=self.ro_replica_selector) if needs_rollback: self.rollback(conn, cursor) self._call_hooks(self._on_load_opened, conn, cursor, cursor, restart=True)
[docs] def check_replica(self, conn, cursor, replica_selector=None): """Raise an exception if the connection belongs to an old replica""" if replica_selector is None: replica_selector = self.replica_selector if replica_selector is not None: current = replica_selector.current() if conn.replica != current: # Prompt the change to a new replica by raising an exception. self.close(conn, cursor) raise ReplicaClosedException( "Switched replica from %s to %s" % (conn.replica, current))
[docs] def open_for_pre_pack(self): """Open a connection to be used for the pre-pack phase. Returns (conn, cursor). """ return self.open_for_store(application_name='RS: Prepack')
def open_for_pack_lock(self): return def _do_open_for_store(self, **open_args): open_args['isolation'] = self.isolation_store open_args['read_only'] = False open_args['deferrable'] = False if 'application_name' not in open_args: open_args['application_name'] = 'RS: Store' return**open_args) def _do_open_for_call(self, callback): return**_connection_callback_open_args(self, callback)) def _after_opened_for_store(self, conn, cursor, restart=False): """ Called after a store is opened or restarted but before hooks are called. Subclasses may override. """ # pylint:disable=unused-argument return
[docs] def open_for_store(self, **open_args): """Open and initialize a connection for storing objects. Returns (conn, cursor). """ conn, cursor = self._do_open_for_store(**open_args) try: self._after_opened_for_store(conn, cursor) except: self.close(conn, cursor) raise self._call_hooks(self._on_store_opened, conn, cursor, cursor, restart=False) return conn, cursor
[docs] def restart_store(self, conn, cursor, needs_rollback=True): """Reuse a store connection.""" self.check_replica(conn, cursor) if needs_rollback: self.rollback_for_restart(conn, cursor) self._after_opened_for_store(conn, cursor) self._call_hooks(self._on_store_opened, conn, cursor, cursor, restart=True)
def describe_connection(self, conn, cursor): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return "<unknown>"